It was nine in the morning when they crucified him. The written
notice of the charge against him read: THE KING OF THE JEWS.
King of the Jews.
The sign sat above Jesus’ head as a mocking insult to him and the Jewish people. You wanted a king to come and save you from Rome's overwhelming power and authority? You were hoping this man might be your promised rescuer, leading you out from under the thumb of Caesar? Well, Israel, here is your rescuer and king—bloodied, naked, and at the point of death. Your God has not forgotten you. No, not at all! Look, your God is mocking you!
The nation of Israel had long been waiting for the promised Messiah who would come and restore their glory. They longed for a king in the line of David who would arrive on the scene with power—a conqueror, a fighter, a rebellion leader to set Israel free from the oppression of the Roman Empire, a political leader to establish the Law of God as the rule of law for as far as the eye could see, a God-ordained warrior and ruler to come and establish the nation of Israel and God’s kingdom on earth!
And if that’s not enough of a twist, here’s another—and it’s a big one. These early Christians, especially the apostle Paul, claimed this new world that was opened by Jesus, the Jewish Messiah, was equally open to everyone, Jew or Gentile.
Pete Enns, “Bible Tells Me So” (Kindle 2689)
Jesus was not this kind of Messiah. Jesus, in his attempt to claim Messiahship, did not come in strength and power, and he didn’t come only to the people of
Israel. He did not come as David, who killed his “tens of thousands”; instead, he came bearing no sword and commending outsiders for their great faith. He sought no position of political authority and showed that no one—no Samaritan or Roman, no woman or child, no diseased or possessed person, no lowly or weak individual—was beyond the reach of God’s grace.
As Messiah and King, Jesus models the culture of God’s kingdom for us. As citizens of the kingdom—made in the image and likeness of God, marred though it may be—we are to follow the King’s lead. So what kind of King was Jesus? What example did he set for those who would live in his kingdom? Well, for starters, Jesus…
humbled himself
emptied himself
became a servant
was obedient, even to death
forgave the unforgivable
touched the untouchable
brought down the powerful
lifted up the vulnerable
upended systems of human worth based on political power, monetary wealth, military strength, and ethnic superiority.
extended God's kingdom beyond Jerusalem and extended the boundaries of “God’s people” to include all, even those at the ends of the earth.
Jesus showed us that in the kingdom, there is the power to turn from the serpent and return to God. We can live again in shalom in the here-and-now kingdom with God and our neighbors. In the kingdom, we can once again be restored daily into the image of God in which we were created. In the kingdom, though the world around us is not yet as it was created to be, we can live in the hope that someday all will be made right again.
The turning point in the Gospels was when Jesus asked a question, “Who do you say that I am?” and received a certain answer: “You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God.” The turning point in every person’s life is what answer we give to Jesus’ question.
Leonard Sweet, “So Beautiful” (Kindle 2370)
[This is an excerpt from Mark’s Unfinished Story]