Over the next few days, I’ll be sharing excerpts from my book that I’m republishing this month leading up to Easter. Enjoy these excerpts…subscribe to this publication, comment, share, and like the stories that speak to you.
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Today’s excerpt:
Could it possibly be true that I could benefit
From the blood of Christ poured out on the cross?
He died for me even though it was me
who caused his great suffering!
Yes, as incomprehensible as it may be,
he pursued me even to the point of death!
Amazing, unfathomable love!
Can your love possibly be this great?
That you, my God, would suffer and die for me?
Amazing, immeasurable love!
That you, my God, would do such a thing for a sinner like me?(paraphrase of the first verse of “And Can it Be?” by Charles Wesley)
Each year at Easter, if we can see past the distractions of the thawing of winter, spring fever, Easter eggs (and the bunnies who lay them?), and all the busy-ness of the season, there are three simple truths we must never ignore or forget.
Jesus Christ died for us while we were still a sinners
Amazing, unfathomable love! Jesus died for me while I was still a sinner. Jesus died for you while you were still a sinner. And Jesus even died for — while they were still sinners — the ones for whom we have the most difficult time understanding this truth to be true.
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8 NIV)
Jesus Christ rose from the dead
He lives! This two-word truth forms the foundation of Christianity, without which this movement would have never begun.
Then go quickly and tell his disciples: “[Jesus] has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.” (Matthew 28:7 NIV)
In Jesus Christ, the power of death was defeated
By the power of the Almighty, in whom exists fullness of life, the power of sin and death is overcome by Christ’s victory on the cross.
[Jesus] shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death… (Hebrews 2:14 NIV)
The death and resurrection of Jesus made possible the forgiveness of sins for all who put their trust in Christ, full and complete sanctification for all who surrender their lives fully to the purpose and plan of God, and freedom from the power of bondage of sin in our lives; that is, freedom to be fully human — bearing the image and likeness of God — as intended.
He is risen!
He is risen, indeed!
Paperback is ready today!
Kindle version coming soon!
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Thank you‼️
We pray for you as you serve
And pray for now and then when you think of it
Our witness among our native people to affirm what God made (us too) them to be in languages and cultures —- not culture and a little bit of Jesus
John and Gerri GrosVenor
Colville Confederated Tribes
of the Colville Indian Reservation